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MOBIDERM Bandaging system

MOBIDERM Bandaging system

4 layered compression system

MOBIDERM Bandaging System offers a low compression to aid in the healing process and also reduces swelling and fluid build up in the limbs.


  • Lightweight;
  • Comfortable;
  • Easy to apply.

4-stage bandaging system:

  1. Skin Protection: Cotton Short Stretch Bandage
  2. Drainage of Oedema: MOBIDERM Roll or Sheet
  3. Retention: Biflexideal
  4. Compression: Biflex 16+ or 17+

MOBIDERM Roll & Sheet, Biflexideal and Biflex 16+ & 17+ are medical devices. 
All the products mentioned here are class I medical devices, CE marked according to the European Regulation 2017/745 on medical devices. Please read carefully the instructions for use, indications and contraindications of the product.
Availability of these products might vary from a given country or region to another.


120 rue Marius Aufan
92300 Levallois-Perret Cedex - France

Thuasne SAS – SIREN/RCS Nanterre 542 091 186 – Capital 1 950 000 euros – 120, rue Marius Aufan 92300 Levallois-Perret (France)
14 products